Thursday 5 January 2017

Jelly Soap

These little soaps are adorable and so much fun to make! These only take 5 ingredients! No lye, no hard to get ingredients and 100% DIY. These have powder gelatin which according to progressive health contains Collagen which is an essential material that is used to repair connective tissue (like nails, skin, hair, bone, and cartilage). Gelatin is the best source of collagen. Gelatin also contains essential amino acids that are difficult to find elsewhere. Convinced??? If not I don't know how anyone could convince you. OK, let's get making.

Homemade Jelly Soaps

Flexible moulds or jar
Hot but not quite boiling water
Powder Gelatin
Body wash
Essential or fragrant oil
Soap colourant or food colouring (small amounts WON'T dye your skin)

In a Pyrex jug mix two parts hot water with one part body wash.
Quickly add powder gelatin, three teaspoons to every 1/2 cup of water.
Add essential/fragrant oil and colorant/food colouring to your preference.
Pour into moulds or jar and set in a cool dry place.

Do not set in fridge if possible. If you do this the jelly soaps will melt when they come out of the fridge because they're used to such a low temperature.

When you are making jelly soaps in a jar, seal the lid whilst it's setting. This aids the setting and gives you a slightly harder jelly soap.

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